Re: Interesting Week In The Phase

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Interesting Week In The Phase

Post by Jeff »

Well,it started after I commented on the 'sex in the phase thread' about how I typically avoid it. That night in my OBE I climbed into a car parked in front of the phase version of my childhood-young adult home. I drove off with a very attractive women that shushed me when I started to explain that I was dreaming.Then she,uh,got busy on me to my surprise...  :o I fouled because of this ...LOL

The next night in my Lucid Dream I met a women who I found myself strangely attracted to immediately, as if I've known her for a long time.I scooped her up and we flew together.She explained to me (among some other conversation)that we had been married for eight years! When I tried to explain that I was dreaming she would have none of it.She gave me that wife look like, "you can't bullshit me." I woke up amazed by this! (Do we have relationships with 'dream characters' in the deep recesses of our minds in which our waking consciousness is dissociated from?)

Then in a Lucid Dream a day later I went into this house in some woods after becoming lucid and flying away from a flood.One of my deceased grandmothers greeted me unexpectedly inside.(I've never seen her in the phase before)We were happy to see each other and hugged.Then I began to ask her some questions,but I was so excited that I probably didn't let her respond.I maintained by hopping up and down,peering and palpating a counter top while I asked her to tell me something only my mother would know.

Instead,a weird thing happened.My lucidity became more diffuse as the scene turned into a convenience store.'Customers' came in and repeatedly bothered me to help them find some product, and I didn't know how to help them or what they were talking about.Then I fouled.It was like the phase reversed roles on me as if to say: "hey,see what it's like to be treated like a convenience store?"

I went back to sleep and became lucid again for a very long time.I had an amazing time in this futuristic city with floating gardens and stuff.Toward the end another weird thing happened.At these steps
on a city street a group of 'dream characters' came up to me and 'debriefed' me on my lucid episodes of the night.I recalled all of my activities and stated that meeting my grandmother was the highlight.They seemed pleased by this and I woke.
"The closer you get to the meaning;the sooner you'll know that you're dreaming" -Dio
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Re: Interesting Week In The Phase

Post by Montana »

....LOL!~  ..."The wife look".  Know what yer talking about there bro~  I talk about my NPMR activities with almost no one locally.

It is not uncommon to discover that one is leading several lives at once, or, at least the experience often gets modeled that way.  And as far as I can fathom, I don't know a better way to model it.  Jane Roberts' 'Seth' that she channeled had, as a main staple of his teaching, asserted that there are an indefinitely large number of probable realities,and we individually exist in several or many, and that sometimes for various reasons 'bleed-through' occurs.  There are others,,,, and when you consider them as a group, they could be thought of as different renditions of the same thing.


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Re: Interesting Week In The Phase

Post by Jeff »

Montana wrote: ....LOL!~  ..."The wife look".  Know what yer talking about there bro~  I talk about my NPMR activities with almost no one locally.

It is not uncommon to discover that one is leading several lives at once, or, at least the experience often gets modeled that way.  And as far as I can fathom, I don't know a better way to model it.  Jane Roberts' 'Seth' that she channeled had, as a main staple of his teaching, asserted that there are an indefinitely large number of probable realities,and we individually exist in several or many, and that sometimes for various reasons 'bleed-through' occurs.  There are others,,,, and when you consider them as a group, they could be thought of as different renditions of the same thing.


Hi Montana,
Yes,I'm lucky because my wife lucid dreams too,so we can discuss this stuff and she totally gets it.I am undecided about telling her about these recent ones though ..LOL!

I tend to think that what you described is really possible (and not just irrational belief or delusion) because of the material on 'multiple personality disorder' and the various interpretations of quantum mechanics.One related issue that has always amazed me is the phenomenon of so-called 'false memories' and 'faulty logic' in dreaming and Lucid Dreaming.Here are some good videos about it:

This guy is pretty cool,I think you'll like him.And btw,I think you'll like this web site too.If you haven't read Michael's free e-book you should really check it out.It's very neutral on beliefs and theory while being very ,very practical.
Last edited by Jeff on Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The closer you get to the meaning;the sooner you'll know that you're dreaming" -Dio
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Re: Interesting Week In The Phase

Post by Montana »

Hi Jeff,

thanks for the links.  Yes, I am reading Michael's book.

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