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Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:24 am
by JorgeLTE
So, LucidDreaming, is there a very important character in the phase for you too?

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:34 am
by LucidDreaming
JorgeLTE wrote: So, LucidDreaming, is there a very important character in the phase for you too?
Well, probablo no. Maybe beautiful asian girls. LOL :D
What about you?

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:45 am
by JorgeLTE
I read somewhere on your diary something about a character that helps you with dream control.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:47 am
by LucidDreaming
Oh yes. It's strange woman. I don't remember seeing her in real world. She appears sometimes,  without any summoning needed. This happened because I've read a lot about Dream Guides, so one appeared to me.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:52 am
by JorgeLTE
Quite interesting.

It should be very useful.

I have similar experiences but in normal dreams only.

I meet a girl almost a year ago during a very unusual dream, and after that I have seen her at the distance during a few dreams.
She is the reason I'm here, trying to meet her again at the phase.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:33 am
by LucidDreaming
I am on a Dry spell. I have to beat it, because I miss Phase.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:19 pm
by LucidDreaming
FINALLY! I am back, as my vacation is over!

I didn't have time to practise, but now, as I will go to school every day, I will be very active Phaser again!!! I'm going to update my blog very often.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:13 pm
by LucidDreaming
It's time to update my blog!!!

Now, what I've found out in the last two weeks. I was doing an experiment. My goal was to enter the Phase, while using only "becoming conscious in a dream" techniques. I've started dream journal, I used mantras and anchors (which are very hard for me to notice) and I've got few Phase experiences. Than I completely decided to stick with indirect techniques. Why? Because I could never reach high quality, stable and controllable Phase. Sometimes I forgot deepening or maintaining and sometimes it didn't work the way it should.

I will update my blog again after having successful Phase experience, while using indirect techniques.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:56 am
by Michael Raduga
It depends on the individual. For some people these phases are more real in perceptions and awareness. But I'm not one of them.

Anyway, it was a very good experience for you. I think, everybody should try and know these techniques.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:17 pm
by Summerlander
I think so, too.  Sometimes when I enter the phase, it is already deep.  Other times I need to deepen it.  I believe everyone can benefit from the techniques.  It's good to have the knowledge of deepening, maintaining and managing the phase state.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:58 pm
by LucidDreaming
I have to share this. The most amazing experience ever. It was like a mash up of The Phase and a normal dream.

I was not even planning to get into the Phase, but I became conscious in a dream. I immediately applied deepening and maintaining, but since I didn't have any plan, I had to act according to the circumstances. I decided to have sex and i did. Thou, I knew, that every phase in which i have sex, ends very quickly (understandable). But this was a huge exception. After about 3 mins or so of having sex, I started talking with different characters of my Phase. I enjoyed each conversation, while drifting to sleep. My normal dream starts here. It was crazy. I've dreamed that my sex partner, from the previous Phase, accused me of raping her and all the Phase characters I had talked with, knew what we had talked about in that dream. It was terrible. I felt like every secret of mine is being leaked from the Phase world into the real world. That huge fear and disappointment drifted me into the another Phase of that night. I've tried everything that I had in my mind, I even got bored so what I did was: flying as fast as possible into the atmosphere and falling back to the Earth slowly slowly. It was very very long Phase experience. I don't know why, but constant maintaining worked 100% this time. And I got drifted back into sleep again. Into the same creepy dream. It was as scary as it could possibly be and I got another Phase experience, which ended with me waking up finally.

I can honestly say, that this night was one of the longest nights i have ever had. It was as awesome as it was terrible.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:41 am
by Summerlander
Cool!  I'm glad maintaining worked well for you this time.  I find this quite interesting.  You were accused of rape in the phase.  Do you think that there is a part of you who feels guilty for having used a phase inhabitant for sexual pleasure (even though you know that she is not a real person)?

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:39 am
by LucidDreaming
Nice thinking, Summer...  There might be a little part of me, who thinks this way. I wonder, what actions should I take.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:56 pm
by Summerlander
Hmmm...I wonder what would happen if you entered the phase and went to a courtroom setup involving the accuser and all the other characters who heard about the allegation.

Then you could question the woman about why she felt that you violated her.  I wonder what the answer would be and if you would get some sort of clarification as to where such scenario came from... 

A solution could be for you to tell the other characters (including the judge) that you did not and would not rape anyone as it is not in your nature to do so and that you are sorry for any distress that you might have caused.  Perhaps this would clear your conscience if indeed something bothers you on a deeper level. 

You could also mention that you have an idea of what it means to be real and what is real from experiencing the waking world and that, because you take what happens in the phase to be imaginary, you naturally feel that you can afford to be more extravagant and liberal.

And for the grand finale, before the jury, you could thus conclude and assert your undeniable innocence based on the fact that the nature of the phase world can be transmutable and one can easily be misled by people's reactions and what they mean...

You could protest and press a counter-charge on the grounds that the allegation caused you unnecessary distress if you want things to get ugly...but you don't want to do that. Instead, after logically asserting your innocence and stating that you come from a rational world, you could manifest a diamond ring to effectively prove the nature of their world (which is also your world) get down on your knees in front of the alleged victim, propose and have her remove the sexual assault charge as she will undoubtedly become besotted with you and snog you in front of a judge that doesn't really exist... ;D

And everybody's happy!

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:51 pm
by LucidDreaming
Wow. Just wow  ;D

How can you possibly come up with this? It's as amazing as it is silly :D
perfect plan. I should try that out. My whole Phase would be spent in court. Sounds fun :D
Still, I could improve a lot by doing this. Thanks for the idea, summer :)

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:52 pm
by Summerlander
It's as amazing as it is silly
That's a good description of dreamland. :D
Thanks for the idea, summer
I'm glad I gave you an idea. Good luck and have fun. You know what I just realised?  You could also use any further dreams of being accused as a means to enter the phase and carry out your plan!  On the other hand, because we had this conversation, you may no longer be accused.

Good luck and keep us posted but above all, do what you want and have fun! :)

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:18 pm
by LucidDreaming
I had one crazy night yesterday. I kept waking up and falling asleep, when suddenly I entered the Phase, 4 times in a row to be exact. Once one experience had ended I immediately got into another. First time in the last 6+ months, (Time I've been practising) I had such successful results of Phase chaining.

Now, I don't post my every experience, but this one has to be written here.

After getting into The Phase I've found myself in the centre of my room. I immediately performed some deepening and maintaining and started acting as I had planned, in case of an unplanned Phase. I teleported into a flying Plane, with my parachute already on my back. After some maintaining I jumped out and kept falling through the clouds for about 2 minutes. It felt as amazing as always and even better. The Sun was touching my skin, clouds got me a little bit wet, but someting was missing. I needed some music and I decided to go for it. Go for the thing I've always wanted to do in my Phase. I concentrated on the specific song and I started hearing it in my head. Soon it spread everywhere. I was free falling and enjoying the music I like. Amazing, amazing, amazing. The ground was getting closer, so I had to continue with my plan. I took out snowboard from my parachute bag and put it on. After some maintaining, I closed my eyes and imagined that as I fall through the next pack of Clouds, I will translocate to the snowy mountain area. With the music still on, I managed to land safely on the ground and round my snowboard down the mountain. All of the excitement woke me up completely.

It was truly undescriable experience. I was astonished by how much I managed to develop my skills. Thank you, Michael Raduga.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:48 am
by Summerlander
Ohhhh my Gooood!!!!  I want to skydive in the phase.  It might even give me the confidence to do it for real!  I want it!  Great stuff!  Why didn't I think of this before?  I took a nosedive in the phase recently and I shit myself!  I need to be really high, on a plane and then jump.  Thanks for posting your experience! 8)

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:19 am
by LucidDreaming
You have to try it. One of the best thing ever! All of the extreme stuff should be tried in the Phase. :D

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:30 pm
by Summerlander
I agree. 8)

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:00 pm
by LucidDreaming
Yeterday I've tried to enter the Phase using Direct techniques. I did this, basically, because I don't sleep sleep enough for Indirect ones. So, my experience:

I woke up after sleeping for 6 hours, stayed awake for 3 mins, put my earplugs in and went back to the bed. I lied there for few minutes to relax and started using Phantom Wiggling. I reached the floating state of mind almost immediately. Laps of consciousness came one after another. When, suddenly, the technique started producing amazing results. My arm could leave the body and I heard very lound and strange noises in my ears. For some reason, I coudn't seperate no matter how hard I tried, so I switched to listening in. Still, seperation seemed impossible. After few minutes of struggling, everything disappeared and I opened my eyes. I wonder, where did I fail? Any advices? :)

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:37 pm
by Summerlander didn't fail.  You did manage to enter the phase but encountered a barrier when it came to separating.  Perhaps you can work on overcoming this barrier next time you try the direct method.  Also, if techniques are not working, try forced falling asleep in order to reel in the phase.

I also tried the direct method before and had similar experiences.  I reached the free-floating state of mind and a few lapses in consciousness. 

I also had a fearsome sleep paralysis episode (which really presented me with a chance to make an entry but I didn't take it because I was scared).  Finally, I managed to separate with much difficulty.  Movement was restricted.  It was odd.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:48 pm
by LucidDreaming
Yeah. I had to get through scary SP too. But I enjoy it. :)
Actually, there is a thread in this forum made by Michael, that the best technique for Direct attempt is uncomfotable sleeping. I'm confused :D

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:41 pm
by Summerlander
LOL!  Yeah.  You can see where he's coming from though.  Trying the direct method in an uncomfortable position will help to prevent falling asleep completely and may help to enable you to pinpoint the phase state.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:20 pm
by LucidDreaming
Well, yeah. That sounds logical. But still.... I have slept in an uncomfortable position for so many times and gained no Phase. I didn't have any intention to get one, thou :D

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:27 pm
by Summerlander
I'm going to try the deferred method tonight in order to try to carry out at least two steps of a plan of action.  The NDE simulated experiment and the theoretical remote healing of Connor Whipp. 

He is getting the chemo he needs, and I'd love to teach him to enter the phase and heal himself, but I don't have the opportunity.  Although unproven, I feel obliged to at least try remote healing.  At the same time we are donating money for the major treatment he needs in the States.  I'll feel more relaxed when the majorly effective practical solution is in play.

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:42 pm
by Michael Raduga
Dear practitioners,
Please, take a part in our new experiment (NDE simulation):

Report results to [email protected]

Re: LucidDreaming's diary

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:48 am
by Summerlander
About skydiving, LucidDreaming...

I'm about to do it in real life!  ;D

This Sunday in Cambridge, I shall reach an altitude of 15,000 ft and do a tandem free fall.  I'm doing it to raise money for the Connor Whipp Appeal.  After doing it in the real world I will do it again in the phase (no need for an instructor on my back and no need to pull ripcords either). :P