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Re: mastodont's blog

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:26 pm
by 12padams
Welcome to the forums mastodont. My name is Philip and I am also 18.

I feel really sorry for you in your current situation and wonder how you get through life. How do you type and how do you read...  I myself write books on the phase and if you got some kinda of computer narrator my book on my blog "teenage phase adventures" would be perfect to listen to since its got phase experiences back to back so you don't have to keep looking everywhere for more to read. But then again... When I am explaining my surroundings I can't see how that would make sense to you because if I say "jumped through my window and flew off" I don't see how you would mean anything.

It just makes me feel bad now that I am making video versions of my phase experiences because to you these are nothing... You can't see them. I really wonder how you understand things without an ability to see them. I hope you get vision at some point in your life due to a breakthrough in medical technology.

Overall I am very interested to know if you get an ability to see while your in the phase. If you think about it... The brain generates all input around you in the phase so your eyes won't be needed to see something. On the other hand however it's got to generate your surroundings from some type of memory of seeing and if you have never had vision then it's got nothing to generate visual input from.

A few years ago I saw some product that allowed the blind to see. It used the same echo location technology that dolphins use and forms picture which would then be converted into a format understandable by your brain which its plugged into. The problem though is that your vision is textureless so you can see everything but it's all white with no color. Sadly a computer monitor, tv screen or an other flat surface would be blank to you and you will only see its shape rather than what it's displaying.

I really hope everything goes well for you. If you ever get some way to see something hopefully you will be able to repeat this in your phase experiences.

I wish you all the best of luck mastodont, from Philip / 12padams :)

Re: mastodont's blog

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 6:41 am
by 12padams
i'm really interested in reading your book. i saw the link at your signature i will read it as soon as i can.
You "saw" the link?

Anyway I just updated my book a minute ago in a better format for you and with my latest experiences because I left my phase only book behind a little and concentrated on the other ones which I don't recommend you read. Do you have an email address because if your using a screen narrator software you are going to have difficulty finding the right book to download and you also require a captcha code which is impossible to fill out if your blind. To help you out I can email you the exact pdf file :)

Hopefully my journey inspires you to become a phase researcher like myself. Maybe we can even crack the visual mystery about the phase to help all blind people see within the phase in the future. Also... I am really interested in your method of reading. Is someone reading these things to you or is it a computer voice narrator? If its a computer narrator I wonder how you understand whats being said because things such as expression are left out which make things very dry. Thats another thing I want to do in the future... Make an audiobook of my phase only book "Teenage Phase Adventures" to fully support those on the move and visually impaired people. Sadly I don't have time right now so that audiobook isn't probably going to be started within the next year. In future however I hope things can be different :)

Re: mastodont's blog

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:45 am
by 12padams
Hi, fantastic experience you had!

I find it amazing yet quite difficult at the same time that you managed to carry out an experience within the phase while blind. The good thing is that you have one less sense to disconnect yourself from physically. This should make the phase about 30% easier to enter than a sighted person. The only problem is that I would be scared since without sight it would be much harder to determine if you actually are in the phase. I guess the breathing through a pinched nose reality check is very effective for you so if you ever think you're in the phase make sure you do it!

When it comes to difficulties with flying and other things it's all about you doubting that you can do them since you never do them in real life. In the beginning I had little doubt with my abilities and you may notice that I could do things like fly, make the sun rise and put my hands through my closed door really easily. As I had more experiences however and began to doubt the openness of the phase I suffered extreme problems with doing anything apart from walking, touching things and talking. The phase has become the physical world for me apart from the creatures and people I study within the phase that don't exist in real life.

When it comes to being able to do these things you need to treat it without doubt. One big tip I have that should help with going through walls is not to think about the wall itself but what is on the other side of it. Simply walk through a wall thinking about the next room and pretend its not there. What you focus on becomes active and you can deactivate a wall by knowing its not there.

Last of all don't think that your experiences are going to end at any second or you are under a time limit. Remember that whatever you think the truth is within the phase actually is. In other words if you think the phase is an unstable and hard to manage state that you must spend your whole time deepening then it will be exactly like that. If you have read the third experience in my book (a.k.a day 57) then you will notice that I become trapped in the phase and am unable to awaken. Each time I "awaken" I find myself in the phase again because the phase becomes my waking reality and the physical world becomes as hard to access as the phase. This occurred because I thought it was impossible to wake up physically and my worry became reality.

Finally what you are reading about my experiences is possibly influencing what you experience in your own experiences. In other words if you read my 5th experience (a.k.a day 77) the phase may become a scary place to you due to the fear and scary creature I encountered. So what experience did you get up to in my book just before you had your phase experience?

Good luck and happy journeys in the future!