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I can't get the phase back

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:49 am
by shipo
Hi All my first post,
I became interested in OBE's after reading several books on the subject some 6 weeks ago, I began by listening to the Monroe series but had little success. On Easter Sunday I stumbled upon the Lucid dreaming practical guidebook and started practicing Indirect techniques and to my surprise reached the phase that very night (2am). I was amazed at being mind aware body asleep, the intense noise was like a jet had flown 2 feet above my roof, I was aware of someone calling my name and could hear myself snoring, I tried to separate by rolling and sitting up but I couldn't manage it, I was very calm but the phase ended . Now a week has passed and I can't reach the phase again, am I rushing it and expecting too much too soon?
Why was it so easy that first night and now I'm not succeeding? I'm not sure what I may be doing wrong so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :) Cheers Paul

Re: I can't get the phase back

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:12 pm
Attempt everytime you realise that you are in the phase. One must be determined. however, don't wear yourself out at the same time. Take a break for 1 or 2 nights. Your first attempt was great. Be gently agressive when rolling out, telling yourself you can do this. It is really not as difficult as it sounds. It is just getting the knack of it. Just keep following the instructions in the SOBT. No you are not expecting too much too soon, but it can take a little practise.

Re: I can't get the phase back

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:52 pm
by shipo
Thanks Nova I'll take your advice and try having a few days break. I set the alarm last night for 6 hours good sleep, got up and read for 30 minutes then back to bed..Another fail alas but I'm determined to succeed again, having that first phase and knowing what it feels like has me longing for more..I'm impatient to say the least :-)

Re: I can't get the phase back

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:10 am
Yep I understand. I don't always succeed either. Determination is the key I think.