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Last night I woke up and went back to bed without getting up, to see how important the roles are of affirmations

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:52 am
by peterwilli
It turned out that they are REALLY important. Here is a snippet from my logbook:
03/24/19: Tonight was an experiment to see how powerful the affirmations are and how big of a role they play in entering the Phase. I woke up at 05:00 and immediately went back to sleep without going out of bed. I then started to affirm, that I will wake up and will enter the Phase. Just like yesterday, I kept doing this as long as I was awake (all the other times I only did the affirmations while I was out of bed). It turns out that the affirmations are very important. I cannot say this enough. I didn’t enter the Phase consciously, but I did have a false awakening in where I did what I was supposed to do when I actually was going out of bed: I did my workout. It was very beautiful. It means that I at least had some degree of lucidity. I can only conclude that affirmations play a key role in entering the Phase (whether that’d be lucid dreaming or astral projection), even if you don’t wake yourself up by going out of bed, affirmations alone provided at least a glimpse of the Phase. I think I even woke up somewhere naturally.

Re: Last night I woke up and went back to bed without getting up, to see how important the roles are of affirmations

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 4:29 pm
by Summerlander
I find that affirmations can be quite powerful , in my case, for inducing false awakenings or achieving dream consciousness. I just managed to enter the phase today just by watching Michael Raduga talking about Project Elijah last night. Just goes to show ...