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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:19 am
Hi I am Nova. I am new to this forum.
I remember my dreams very well and journal them.
I discovered obe4u just recently and have been practicing.
No success yet.
I tend to fall asleep very quickly even though I get impressions while falling asleep. I go straight into dreams when the impressions appear.

Even if I wake during the night I fall asleep quickly even if I cycle(I obviously need to practice more)
I usually go to the bathroom and then go back bed.  Maybe I need to stay up longer.
I had an amazing experience accidently
I had been flying out in the street, next thing I knew I was sitting up in bed my eyes were open and the room was bright.  I could see through the blinds which were closed.  I could see the wires and lamp posts and trees out in the street.  There was a buzzing
sound as a curtain of black vibrations passed across my vision from right to left.  I could see everything clearly through this curtain. I thought "This is interesting"
( I had gone to sleep in bed with my daughter and her 3year old son)
I did not need to turn my head to see my daughter who had just sat up and asked "Are you ok Mum?"  My grandson then sat up too.

Before I could answer her, I woke up and then they both woke.

The whole experience was very real.
I realise correctly I think, that it was me returning to my body.

I long to do this again and be aware.
I have been interested for years and have used other techniques.

Many years ago also accidentally I started to leave my body after lying down with my hands on my chest.
I didn't know what was happening and I forced myself to come back.  I could feel myself leaving through my feet.

What is frustrating (not really tho) my daughter just has to put her head down on the pillow and she goes into vibrations and phase.

She is learning not to hold back.  She had a scary experience once, which has been preventing her from wanting to go with it.

I wish you all great travels and wonderful times.

I met a creature

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:16 am
One night in my travels, I met a creature/alien for want of a better name. He said to me "My name is ...... and I'm going to kill you". I thought to myself," how do I deal with this?". I was not fearful at  all.  I told him (I felt it was male) "I love you". It immediately melted into a warm cuddle.
Love is the only way to deal with fear and hatred.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:22 pm
by Michael Raduga
I usually go to the bathroom and then go back bed.  Maybe I need to stay up longer.
5 minutes is good. 50 minutes is very good.

If you fall asleep, it means you need more agression, activeness and intention.

While attempting, try to remember sensations from the experiences you already have

Re: Nova's

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:21 am
Last night i went to sleep around 11pm.
I awoke at 4am. Went to the bathroom and came back to bed and read until 5am.
I then settled down to sleep. I awoke again at 6am with the thought I must stay still and I did.
I attempted to roll out of bed, nothing happened.
I then cycled about 3 times.
I thought I felt my leg drop back into itself.
I also felt very light as I had been attempting to levitate.
Something was happening but I am not sure what.
I then found myself leaving my body by getting up out of it. A pleasant sensation.
I know I was thrilled about it happening.
However I think I was dreaming because it didn't have that clear reality to it.
None the less I enjoyed what was happening.
I could fly at will.
It seemed that I was invisible because the other people in the dream seemed to notice and look up as I flew over them, but did not comment.
I am writing this many hours later, because this is my first opportunity to do so.
However even when I awoke it seemed so long ago.

In this the first "dream" which was quite detailed, I looked at my body on the bed several times.  It wasn't a pleasant look, but I was already aware that it might not be, so I wasn't freaked at all.  I appeared to be a blueish colour and the second time I looked I had changed positions.
There were people coming into the house (in the dream)at 2am, but no one seemed perturbed by it, it seemed quite acceptable. I don't remember how I knew the time but I do remember seeing the number 2.
I don't remember how the dream finished, but I do remember waking and stopping myself from moving and saying "don't move" (quite and acheivement  :))
I think I then attempted to roll out and cycle but cannot remember exactly, but I did go into a long dream and woke at 9.45am

Michael would you please give me some clarity as to what the first experience was?
This is getting very interesting.
Thank you.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:28 am
Oh yes and i do remember rubbing my hands together and hearing the sound of it, but I had not been aware that I was actually doing it.  When I realized what the image and the sound was, it disappeared.  I tried to repeat and get the same sensation but it did not happen and I moved onto something else.  I think I must have been quite well into phase and didn't realise it.
But thing that got me was, that I did not do in consciously, but the vision and the sound of it was there.
As I said this is getting interesting.  ;D

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:02 am
by Michael Raduga
All is very good. It was the phase.

Some tips:
1 - you should always have a plan of action
2 -
However I think I was dreaming because it didn't have that clear reality to it.
It means you weren't deep enough in the phase. Check out the deepening techniques. The phase must be more real than the everyday world

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:56 pm
by dreamsrock
Hey Nova, what's that new profile pic u got?

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:26 am
by dreamsrock
I don't see a slide bar?

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:56 am
Better now?  ;D

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:01 pm
by dreamsrock
Oh I see it now.  Your hair looks on fire!

Re: Nova's

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:56 pm
Nah!  That's me beaming up!  ;D

Re: Nova's

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:18 am
I awaken so often during the night and have so many opportunities to "get out", but I find I can not get aggressive enough to.  It has become so pathetic of me.  However from these experiences I can now detect change in consciousness, which is great even though I haven't been able to utilise it and just go back to sleep in a deep state and dream.  I also have had many times in those dreams to become lucid but don't.

Here is a good example

We (I can only presume it was my daughter and I) standing looking at the hills.  They were low hills, (kind of miniature) but hills none the less.  A large white orb appeared, (no it wasn't the moon although at first we thought it was)  It seem to have life. It suddenly and swiftly moved  behind a hill  It hovered at a low level in a valley and then popped up and zoomed forward to where we were standing in anticipation and stopped right above us. It then exploded and covered us in runny white foam. Actually more like runny melted ice cream. I thought it was going to be snow, but it wasn't.
Now that was an opportunity for lucidity, but noooo... 

This kind of thing happens to me all the time.

So as of yesterday afternoon I decided to sit in a chair an attempt projection that way instead of bed.

I'm not sure how I got there and I have never had an experience like this one.

It was very intense and overpowering at one point I didn't know how I was going to maintain for much longer. I felt like I was going to explode.

I was the universe, I was everyone and everything, I was "golden light" tumbling through "golden light"

I can't really explain it much more than that, although it was soooooo much more than that.

It wasn't a dream.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:57 am
by Luna
Sounds amazing!!  :o

Re: Nova's

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:47 am
by breadbassed
Sounds like Samadhi, enlightenment.  How long where you practicing for? Which technique did you use?

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:43 am
@ Breadbased it was just me being who I really am.  We are all that which I experienced.
How long was I practising?  I was out for nearly 2 hours, but I have no clue how long the actual experience was.
What technique did I use?  I just closed my eyes.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:41 am
by breadbassed
Thats impressive, can't say i've ever meditated that long.
Yeah that state is supposed to be the 'oneness' of everything that is part of all of us. 
I hope to achieve that state one day.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:14 pm
@ Breadbassed  I wasn't meditating.

You are already that state you have just forgotten who you are as we all have.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:27 pm
by Summerlander we are already "it" but need...AWAKENING.  Perhaps there are many versions of us which could potentially be awakened.  Like the historical Buddha realising the true nature of reality.

I posit that the reality we currently perceive is a focused fraction of everything that we can be.  And being is not the only thing that we can be.  Not being is also a potentiality that we can focus on (or the product of not focusing on anything).

Have you ever noticed that sometimes in dreams we are different people and we have different memories?  The circumstances determine who we are or perceive ourselves to be.  It also makes me wonder about the multiple personality syndrome...

There is a theory that states that we are all the same mind seeing from different perspectives.  This creates the illusion of individuality.  In meditation, one can experience altered states of consciousness.  We can gradually remove every concept from our mind by ignoring all thoughts and experience that blissful emptiness even if it is for just a few seconds.  There is an intrinsic awareness that is unburdened.  It is blissfully free of all concepts.  We all have this potential.  This state of mind clearly shows us that the self is an illusion from the perception of conceptual reality and attachment. 

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:01 pm
by breadbassed
If you were sitting with your eyes closed for two hours i would definitely call that meditation

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:37 pm
by Luna
we are already "it" but need...AWAKENING
YES!  ;)
Have you ever noticed that sometimes in dreams we are different people and we have different memories
Interesting. I was a man in one of my dreams last night (but I was still me inside) The perspective kept changing from my personal perspective and then a third person perspective. I was also holding a hand of a woman that was my girlfriend. Odd.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:01 pm
by Summerlander
Luna wrote:I was a man in one of my dreams last night (but I was still me inside) The perspective kept changing from my personal perspective and then a third person perspective. I was also holding a hand of a woman that was my girlfriend. Odd.
It is very odd indeed, and yet it was still you.  And you accepted who you were as if you knew nothing else.  And then you found that other perspectives were available.

It makes you wonder, doesn't it?  You can be so many things, but, in the end, you are left with one question: "Who am I?"

Who is the observer?  Empty awareness?  A void that craves to be filled perhaps?

Re: Nova's

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:10 am
If you were sitting with your eyes closed for two hours i would definitely call that meditation
@ Breadbassed I don't know what your definition(perception) of meditating is...
not trying to discount your experience Breadbassed, just trying describe mine.

This is something for more like it, from Summerlander
There is an intrinsic awareness that is unburdened.  It is blissfully free of all concepts.  We all have this potential.  This state of mind clearly shows us that the self is an illusion from the perception of conceptual reality and attachment.
but then not even
Interesting. I was a man in one of my dreams last night (but I was still me inside) The perspective kept changing from my personal perspective and then a third person perspective
I am often in other bodies in my dreams but still me on the inside.
Often I am the other people in the dream as well as myself bodily. So there are multiples of me (bodliy) but one in mind.
Get's screwy doesn't it.

There are billions of me, this, now is just my current point of focus.

:D ;D

Re: Nova's

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:57 am
by breadbassed
Yeah no point getting into an argument about how to define things. The term meditation is so broad, it can account for many things.

Whatever you were doing it was beneficial to you.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:41 pm
@ Breadbassed "Ditto".  :D

Re: Nova's Ubud dreaming

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:13 am
My life to date has been so caught up in a particular drama, I have not had the headspace to OBE.
I am now in Ubud alone, resting and reading.
A few days ago after revisiting OBE4U I decided to obe the next morning.
I did.
As soon as I woke I strained my brain and immediately peeled out of my body and sat on the end of the bed. My eyes were closed, but I could see that I was on the end of the bed. But nothing else was visible. I thought "why does .... (my daughter) freak out so much this is cool?"
I then thought oh yes deepen. However as soon as I attempted to deepen I went back to my body and woke up. Fouled in other words.
I am thinking I maybe should have just continued and stood up and opened my eyes and looked around. Maybe I didn't need to deepen at that point and it threw me off.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:59 pm
by Summerlander
At least you succeeded in entering the phase. Deepening would have helped you to bring about vision and experience an intense and realistic environment. When you deepen, focus on the sensations 100% and do it for at least 10 seconds and with confidence until you get results. This will also help you to prolong the experience.

Remember to have an interesting plan of action too so that you are kept motivated in the phase and avoid hesitation which can lead to fouling.

Welcome back and Happy New Year! ^-^

Re: Nova's

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:30 am
Thank you Summer.
Yes I think, I was talking to myself too much and lost focus.
I did have a plan but obviously fouled.
I have to be a little more aggressive, I tend to go with whatever is happening, same in reality and you know what I foul in reality too.
There is a good lesson for me here.

Re: Nova's

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:59 pm
by Summerlander
Do tell us more about any experiences you might have had! :)

Re: Re: Nova's

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:17 am
My husband came into the room the other night, I had only been alseep for about 3 hours.
I told my husband as I was stirring from sleep, "there is a man in the room". He was standing next to me on my side of the bed. But of course I became totally conscious and he vanished.

Another snippet. I was staying in homestay, a woman came and pushed 2 cups of coffee under the door (the gap was large enough) I could actually see things that were going on outside, but I wasn't peering through the gap. Althoug it was the gap that I could see things through, (weird huh?) The woman asked if I was R....(my name) I told her I had been staying there for 6 months, she could not remember me, there were other voices who agreed with my statement.

Dream Snippet 3: I was carrying 2 earthernware pots, but I looked down at them there were 3 small ones.
This would have been a good time to question if I was dreaming, but I didn't.

Dream Snippet 4: A man lost his cars keys, I don't know who he was, but he started the car by connecting wires to a radio. It was very cool the way it worked. It started with a bang, which would have been another realise I was dreaming. But i didn't.

Dream Snippet 5: Green Khaki coloured horses similar to the horses in Avatar, (but different) They were grazing, then suddenly started to charge around the building. I deflected one which was heading in my direction, with my hand, there were other ordinary horses, but they had gone.

I have had a lot going on in my world recently, but hopefully, NOW, I can focus on The Phase more.

Re: Re: Nova's

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:20 pm
back on track...stayed tuned.