Re: strange black cat

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Re: strange black cat

Post by Summerlander »

First of all I am asking myself, if it is not bad to be conscious while dreaming, because in your dreams you are working your day, and if you do not dream about the important things, can this be a problem?
No.  Not a problem at all.  You can be lucid as much as you want and it will not affect you.  Apart from presenting the potential to problem-solve, the phase state can often be invigorating and inspiring.

Another thing to realise is that the mind does what it has to do and doesn't need you to be aware of this.  For instance, you can enjoy an adventure in the phase while, behind the scenes, your unconscious sorts itself out.

You can also be awake and be looking for a solution to a problem, and, when you stop trying, the solution suddenly comes to you as though out of the blue... hence, the eureka effect:

The mind is more complex and more capable than people imagine.  It can do so many things at the same time while the conscious part will only be focusing on a little portion.

An excellent book to read if you are interested on the psychology and physiopsychology side of things is Stephen LaBerge's Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.
Do you think I will be able to learn the direct method after practising the indirect one?What do you think about the black cat?
The more you practice the better you get at it and yes, the direct method can be worked on and honed if you familiarise yourself with what works for you through the indirect method.  Becoming a pro at the direct method can be a challenge but one that is worthwhile facing.

But remember that even experienced practitioners often use the indirect way and many stick to it.  After all, despite wanting to take the long road for sport now, you may decide later that the shortcut is so easy that you might want to get straight to the point and enter the phase.

The black cat is interesting.  Have you talked about cats lately.  Perhaps you came across one in waking life before the experience.  The cat in your borderline state could also be a pun for something else and this often happens in dreams.  How do you feel about cats and what do they represent to you. 

Why black?  Black cats are often associated with superstitious beliefs.  When you enter the phase, do you suspect that the dream world you encounter is somewhat real and populated by sentient beings?
I knew that she wanted to lead me into the dreams
Is there a part of you that regards dreamland as a real mystical realm?
THE PHASE = waking consciousness during sleep hybridisation at 40Hz of brainwave activity conducive to lucid dreaming and autoscopy.
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Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:57 pm
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Re: strange black cat

Post by Summerlander »

Ahhh... I see.  And yes, lucidly exploring dreamland and engaging in your fantasies is a good reason for entering the phase.  Perhaps the cat you saw could even become an acquaintance of yours in the phase.

It could even become your counsellor or guide in a phase workshop devised by you!  Here's an example of one:

THE PHASE = waking consciousness during sleep hybridisation at 40Hz of brainwave activity conducive to lucid dreaming and autoscopy.
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